
I started the day reading my book, grabbing a comfy chair and enjoying the peace.  It was a nice morning, so I eventually got myself out for a run and ran seven miles in the sun.  Although there is still a chilly east wind, it was warm in the sunshine (when out of the breeze).  I enjoyed the run and it felt good today.   Once home it took me ages to cool down.  I pottered and did a few chores before I could bring myself to go into the shower.
TT was on lunch duty today, once he dragged himself away from his gardening.  It was nice, but not a patch on yesterday’s lunch!
Later TT wanted to go to asda to buy a new barbeque that he had seen.  I accompanied him as it seemed like a good opportunity to do some food shipping at the same time.  Not my choice of how I would spend my Sunday afternoon – but it had to be done and he got his barbeque.  I sat in the garden and continued reading my book when we returned.  I was in a sheltered spot, away from the breeze which made it much more pleasant. 
TT had decided he was doing a barbie for tea, but he had to build his new one, so he made do with the old one.  I had almost given up hope of getting any food, as it all seemed to take so long.  The boys enjoyed it much more than me I think.  I then went for  an evening  walk to stretch my legs.
I could hear a very noisy oystercatcher this evening, and spotted it with a chick in the cabbage field.  There is a green spider in a tulip in the garden in the extra.

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