Lift and drive

I have been on the second stage of my Health and safety Reps training today,learning about investigating accidents and incidents etc. This afternoon on the way home I caught up with Millie doing drills for speed work. Millie has an easy day on Thursday where we concentrate on her speed work. Millies starts with a 10min warm up 11x 200m stride outs this is where we concentrate on technique with long strides and fast running but not a sprint over 200m on grass and then an easy run back to the start and do this 11 times. This is Millie going through her 100m sprints,this is where Millie sprints 100m concentrating on lifting her legs and driving with her arms so she can run fast,this is important especialy if her race comes down to a sprint finish where it will come down to the fittest runner on the day. Millie does 10 of these, easy run to the start and does it all over again. Millie is now running like a champion and training like one and the concentration is incredible thinking about every thing we have worked on.

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