Taking Up Residence

My Dear Princess,

Crash the cat is an almost permanent fixture now. 

He rocks up at our back door at around 7pm and then just stays and stays. Fortunately for him, Punky goes to bed around 7, and so Crashy has the living room pretty much to himself.

He's actually a massive pest. It is because he loves us so much. He runs around and around in circles and is constantly underfoot because me walking from one side of the room to the other is EXCITING!!!!!

"Crash! FFS!" is something I say often. Without acronyms.

But it's hard to be mad at him. He is such a loveable little guy. And it's only because he loves us and is HAPPYYYYYY to be inside. 

Caro found out it's because his Real Mum has been away lately. So we indulge the fuzzy little chap.

Here he is, celebrating being allowed inside. Apparently he was like this for two hours before going to bed with Caro and sharing the bed with DG.


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