Buckie Braes

A photo memory popped up today and it seems it was 10 years (!!) since I spent a great week of adventures in Frankfurt with my friend Gillian. I sent her the pic that was blip for this day 10 years ago but she didn’t respond. She fell out with me during the Covid years , I don't really know why although she sent a message a month or so ago with a pic of a pastel de nata from a shop in Glasgow and I responded and thought she would like to see this pic. Feel stupid now having sent it.

Also sent another text enquiring about something to another person and they didn’t respond either. I see what I’ve seen written about being invisible as you get older. It’s hurtful.

I was reading and seeing about the devastating wildfires in parts of Canada. Quebec fires affecting not just their area but as far a NY who now have the worst air quality in the world.

The world is doomed.

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