
By wlmjr

Bumps Ahead

An unexpected rise on the road you are traveling may cause a momentary loss of control. True. Although, the majority of setbacks or obstacles we encounter are relatively minor in comparison.

A best practice is absolutely to reserve your talent & conserve your energy when provided the circumstances to disallow yourself from becoming negatively emotionally charged at every opportunity. Wisdom dictates we must develop and maintain a healthy perspective. Simply decide to view what ordinarily presents as bothersome negotiations as instead gentle warning signs of your veering off course.

Allow the bumps to encourage you to slow down & take a bit more care with the method by which you're maneuvering forward. Direction may no doubt require adjustments throughout the journey. Dismissing the bumps however as mere agitations to be endured, ultimately diminishes one's situational awareness directly translating to opportunities missed. Challenges are meant for a specific effective purpose... to aid us in living our beautiful and unique human experience.

Envision your potential. Fulfill your purpose. Enjoy the "Bumps Ahead".

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