Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Jobs are like buses.

Nothing for ages then two come at once!

Took this picture while I was waiting for my formal interview to start. The day went so well that I was offered - and accepted - a permanent position as a science teacher from September. The interview was at the end, after an initial general chat, questions from a student panel, and an observed lesson. It’s a lovely school, only a few minutes from home, and where I’d spent my second PGCE placement many moons ago. I was stunned that they offered me the job at the end, as usually you go home and nervously wait for a phone call.

I was even more stunned that the school I was working at just phoned to offer me the geography teacher job I didn’t even actually apply for. It’s only temporary, though, and although I’d have jumped at it a couple of weeks ago, I think the science job I got today is ‘the one’.

And… I saw one of my old students in M&S on the way home, who’s just doing his A levels.

What a day!

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