Not warm, but mostly sunny. A temperature at its highest was +17, but again, a chilling wind.
In the morning many things to arrange and a phone call to mother. In the evening to the allotment. The jobs I'm able physically to do are weeding and irrigating with a garden hose. My way of weeding is very slow, but very effective. I have to use long-handled pliers and so pick one weed, only a small one, at a time. But I get it with its roots. That's the secret of why our garden is so neat. We couldn't handle it as more wild, although I would love to see it more like that. Anyway, we love our garden also like this. So this evening I was weeding, nothing else. Oh, except photographing.
In the picture you see a perennial or mountain cornflower (Centaurea montana). It's an endemic to Europe, but here in the north we have it as escaped from gardens. It's been grown quite long and still very popularly in the gardens, at least in more traditional ones. I like its appearance, but it's very easily spreading, and we don't have it anymore. This one grows at the edge of the forest by our garden.
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