Botanic Gardens, Glasgow

I was a little bit early for my lunch date with D#1, so I wandered into the Botanic Gardens for a blip.

Almost immediately I got collared by a woman  trying to recruit new members for Soroptimist International who had a stand just outside the Kibble Palace. I'd never heard of SI, but it sounded like a very worthwhile charity, so I took away some leaflets about the organisation and will study them later.

That left me with just a minute to take a quick snap of all the folk enjoying the warm sunshine before I had to rush down to Café Andaluz in Cresswell Lane to meet K. We had a very delicious tapas lunch complete with sangría and churros. It took me back to my time in Barcelona in the mid 70s.

It looks as if the temperature is rising over the weekend, so don't get burnt, blipmates.

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