Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Friday flowers

Lovely tulips given by our daughter on Tuesday, lasting well and still quite upright.

Met up with a friend from work this morning, good to catch up over a coffee, sitting out in the sunshine (albeit a tad blowy). She had another appointment then, so I then dealt with some tasks whilst in town. Had my lunch (shop sandwich and a cold drink) sitting people watching tooing and frooing in town. Got distracted and dropped half of my sandwich on the floor ……. (insert swear word under breath), so only had half planned lunch.

Back to the car then down to meet up with another work colleague on a visit (handover), which went well.

Back home, windows open (glorious day) and caught up with a bit of admin.

We took the dogs for a lovely walk after tea - too hot to take them out before then, both get quite puffed out and Lili has to stop every few steps to have a scratch!

Have a great weekend everyone.


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