Life through the lens...

By ValC

Two days old.

What a glorious morning.
Called at the CoOp for a Yorkshire Post and as it is National Rosé Day just had to buy a bottle! Well it is certainly Rosé weather.
I chose one from Costières de Nîmes to remind us of our summer holidays in France.
Sat outside with a glass at lunchtime was almost like being there.

We were pleased to see the gosling had hatched. Five of the cutest little youngsters.Mum and dad were taking very good care of them.
A good job as a gentleman were were talking to said a crow swooped down on Thursday and carried off one of the moorhen chicks.
The ducklings are also now down to 5.
So fingers crossed the rest survive.

After preparing tonight’s barbecue I am going back into the garden with a cuppa and the paper.
25C at the moment. Cloudless blue sky, but a nice breeze so it doesn’t feel oppressive.

I hope the good weather has reached the East coast today.You deserve some sunshine.

Extra collage of the ducklings, moorhen chicks and goose family.

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