
Another Saturday, and it is another Parkrun Blip. 

This one is a wee miracle. Junior's flight was a bit late arriving (he was out of the terminal about 01:15) so it was 2am before I got to bed. I woke (without needing the alarm) just before 7am.

4+ hours of sleep left me a little jaded as I attacked my black coffee and overnight oats. Going back to bed and skipping Parkrun was definitely at the front of my mind. 

Fortunately my PMA kicked in with the caffeine injection, and off I went to the park to see what would happen. 

In fact I enjoyed it a lot. I felt comfortable all the way, and my time was respectable. 

Needless to say I caught up on a bit of sleep after lunch. 

The rest of my day seems to have involved making messes in the kitchen and then cleaning them up. I made sure I ate well to reward my old body for not letting me down.  

The Blip is the finish at the Parkrun - over 200 participants today, which is well above average. 

The local athletic club (Fife AC) runs Couch-to-5k clinics and a number of their victims graduates were in the Parkrun today, each with a mentor to help get the pace right and encourage them along. Good to see. 

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