Tasty Insects

This hummer was sitting and catching insects, you can see his tongue sticking out. I make sure to leave some dry branches in and around the flowers that the hummers like because I want them to sit where I can see them and get a photo.

I went a little crazy with the chainsaw today. I have had several dead branches I have wanted to remove for a while and I finally got on it today. Since I had the small chainsaw plugged in and ready to go I cut back the tall leggy branches on my Pieris plants. I probably cut back more than 1/3 of each plant so I hope it will be okay; time will tell.

Ellie came over tonight because she has her dance studio photos in the morning; my son will be alone, so he was worried about getting her hair done and he has faith that I will be able to do it correctly, I hope his faith is well-placed.

Today was a beautiful day for the big Rose Festival Parade in Portland. Ellie and her family went down to the Waterfront Park to view the Flower Covered Floats after the parade and Ellie got to ride on a few of the rides; she said she liked the boat and planes, but she hated the rollercoaster. She assured me that it was the small rollercoaster but she said she cried the whole time. :-(( I told her that I didn't like rollercoasters either. 

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