Garage Sale - Face Painting

As part of Red Shield Fund Raising, the Family Store had a garage sale to get rid of oodles of clothes/books/dinnerware, etc. etc.  So I went in to "work" on a Saturday, yay!

To keep kids occupied while parents shopped, Nick, the organiser, had facepainting, games and other fun stuff for the little kids.  I offered to paint faces as I love it, and have loads of experience.  Here's his sister who came and helped as well. 

It was a lovely weather day and to top it all off, they had a sausage sizzle as well .... I don't know what it is about a sausage sizzle, but I love them.

Martin met me after he finished his walk and I finished what I was doing.  He had packed a picnic lunch and we drove up into the Hinterland and had a lovely picnic overlooking the Sunshine Coast.  It was just perfect.

Back home, and Jon had arrived from Brisbane.  Good to have him home.

A very lovely Saturday.

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