We didn't go to Morecambe today because Mum was going to a 10th Birthday Party to play 10 pin bowling!!!!!!  She says she's just going to sit and watch but well you never know with Mother!!

i had a delightful morning again ironing!!!!  It always takes ages to catch up with washing and ironing the summer stuff,  when they first come out of their winter hibernation that is.  Once done I confess I usually manage to get them to dry fairly crease free so don;t do  an  awful lot again, if I can help it!!!

TOO HOT - but glad I did the ironing before lunch.  

Popped into the hot garden to take a photo and saw several fox & cub plants shelter undering the magnolia tree.  So that's my bliip for today..

SOME JOYFUL NEWS YESTERDAY WHEN THOSE 4 CHILDREN MISSING AFTER A PLANCE CRASH WERE FOUND ALIVE - WEAK BUT OTHERWISE IN GOOD HEALTH.  That is soooo amazing, that 13 year old must haved looked after them all, I mean - 11 months old, 4, 9 and 13 - just unbelievable.   What go to me is they made that the third story of news AFTER Bojo and Trump - well to me that should have been TOP NEWS BECAUSE ITS A BL***Y MIRACLE. 

Anyway that's all for now, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.  

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