This & That

By shelbel64


Left work with my boss at 07:30 this morning for a meeting in Birmingham. It pelted all the way there -the only saving grace was the fact that I was driving a brand new Nissan Qashqai with only 500 miles on the clock & that we stopped for at latte at Costa, Watford Gap.

Thankfully the meeting was fairly interesting due to its high profile nature, but enough said about that. I dutifully took notes which I'll type up tomorrow morning. Fortunately I'm a touch typist so this won't take too long.

Didn't really get much of a chance to take photos but did snap this with the iPhone upon arriving in Brum. This is where the meeting was held. Though it looks like an exceedingly drab, concrete & glass exterior - a hideous product of 1960's modernist architecture - the interior is surprisingly well decorated & comfortable.

Roll on the weekend.....

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