Corpus Christi

Damp and murky we nonetheless headed into Skibbereen for the Corpus Christi procession. I cannot fully begin to explain what is happening - my friend Robert has a go here. Basically, it's a feast day focused on the holy Eucharist, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ and it occurs on the Sunday after Trinity Sunday. The procession of the Holy Sacrament wends through the town and includes children who have just received their first communion. The priest takes up the rear, the Holy Sacrament being displayed in a Monstrance.  What actually took up the rear on this occasion was an ice cream van!
What I especially love is the tradition of decorating windows and doorways  - fresh flowers are everywhere as are statues of the BVM displayed on crisp linen cloths. I had a chat to a woman, still resplendent in flamingo print pajamas, who was putting up a display, her elderly mother issuing instructions in the background.  There are a lot of extras, which will go shortly, I was entranced. 
The sun has come out now and it's steaming. I had a quick swim - yesterday's jelly has brought his friends. 

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