
By HeartFreek

'In the Sky.....' taken by the Angels

I have really struggled with this Challenge blip and apologies for the dreadful link!!! But I quite liked it!!

I have been so busy today with work but just about managed to grab the camera as I passed this funeral horse and carriage, but I had to take a recording and snatch a blip from that so its heavily edited to hide the pixels!

So this is my link to 'In the Sky' which I thought was quite nice. Obviously today someone has had to say goodbye to a loved one - taken by the Angels. The horses were beautiful, just a shame I could only grab the image as I drove past them. Dash mounted camera of course!

I am also very sorry for my lack of comments. I have just been so busy with work and still get so tired, that I'm just too knackered to start looking through all the journals - as much as I love them.

Tomorrow is the last day of this Challenge which is a shame as I have really enjoyed all your contributions. Well done all of you!!! You know who you are!!

Tomorrow is 'Younger than you'. The last challenge word. I had that planned for today as Daughter Number 1 and I went to work (in the same building) with the same Heart Jumper on!!!! It made people smile and she had to explain that we don't normally go out dressed the same - that would just be SAD!!! Ok, we are Sad!! but she has just called to say she will be home late as shes having dinner with friends. I shall make her put the jumper on again tomorrow!!!

Have a lovely evening all. I'm ready for PJ's!! again!

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