The Later Bird ....

..... catches the worm. Eventually.

First thing this morning there was a rare visit of a woodpecker to the garden, hammering away at the nuts in the feeder. Of course by the time I got my camera he was gone.

So I have been in the garden on and off all day hoping for a return. No such luck though. Sparrows, male blackbirds, jackdaws, blue tits, but no woodpecker. I took about 50 images in total, including 20 of the female blackbird (?) grappling with a worm. She got him in the end.

Another coincidence this morning. I was just finishing off editing my Woodchester Mansion images when the Sainsbury's delivery arrived. In conversation with the driver it turned out he lived near Stroud and when he was a boy he used to play by the mansion. In those days it was trespassing and the owners (not sure who they were then, in the 1970's he said) used to fire warning shots with a shotgun to scare them away. In return they used to throw stones at their Land Rovers.

In other news we had a Skype with daughter#2. She couldn't remember the 'nearly running over a customer' incident I mentioned yesterday. We didn't have too long as she had to go as they had a telephone appointment with a bluegrass band they are thinking of booking for the wedding :-)

One year ago:

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