Looking pretty in the Daisy's

Not much to report today.......................

Went for my normal trek around all the beaches and then we had breakfast. I got left 'home alone' while Ann went for a swim. Actually, I didn't get left 'home alone'. Our friend Iain, who is staying with us, was upstairs in bed. …..But, he doesn't usually surface until after 11am, so it was like I was 'home alone'.

The humans went to Asda. For the past few weeks I've not been allowed to go shopping with Ann because it has been far too hot to leave me in the car. It's been pretty misty all day today so she said I could go with them.

Today it seemed like I was waiting in the car forever............................ Ann & Iain had made a shopping list. What a waste of time that was? Mmmmmm................ Iain must be the slowest shopper ever??!! And he also gets taken in with all the '2-4-1 offers'. Even if we don't need stuff. #justsaying  Actually he has admitted that he throws out a lot of stuff. We don't.

After their shop, they set off down the estuary to take me for a half hour walk. After less than 5 mins, Iain said that he would just go back to the car and wait for us. He was cold?!! I didn't mind. I was in 'bunny land', though I have to say, I didn't spot one single bunny today. Boo hooo.  I did get photographed in these lovely daisy's though.

Home................... and Iain went for a snooze and to read his book and we just chillaxed on the sun terrace.

….............And apart from a play in the field with my ball about 5.30ish, that's about as exciting as it's got today.

See you all tomorrow.

Toodles xxxx

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