Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Raging surf

A big turn in the weather today. Rain over night and the wind was blowing so hard. And freezing cold even though the temp said 52F.

We ventured to the Milwaukee Public Museum to get a little culture and knowledge. There was a butterfly pavilion, a walk thru Streets of Old Milwaukee, ethnic home exhibits, a rainforest and a Native American exhibit. That was all we saw as we ran out of time to explore the remaining exhibits!

We had a great supper at a local restaurant that had fabulous chicken and rice soup. Really good on the cold day!

Being intrepid explorers we went to the Grant Park beach area where the waves of Lake Michigan looked like the Atlantic Ocean at home. As you can see in the photo it was raging.

Tomorrow we have a road trip to a couple places inland. Excited about seeing this area.

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