And as I sat beside you

The hot weather means a visit to the
Allotment every night to water everything

We try to wait til the sun is past its hottest and the air has cooled .

It’s not the most gentle of tasks. Many fillings of watering cans from a central water tank - we are very fortunate that we are right beside the tanks.

I’m So glad we aren’t farther away

Boy came to help tonight. Having him home is like having a 6’4’’ puppy. Everything has to be examined and inspected and enthused over. It certainly makes you look at familiar things over again

He picked the strawberries and thru the water over ‘his’ French beans. He planted them on Saturday and therefore they are now his. He also potted the strawberry runners. That made him exceptionally pleased

He watered mostly everything. I stood by the water tanks and filed the cans. That was sufficient.

We came home, and I have put the rhubarb in to roast and the strawberries are in the fridge

And I’m exhausted

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