Happy Daze

By Dazed


Mr and Mrs TSN are visiting from their new home in Englandshire so we had cause for celebration last night. This involved fajitas (as usual) and scrumptious MARGARITAS. Mrs TSN was a star when it came to squeezing the limes and lemons and our kitchen smells very fragrant this morning. Nikki and Jamie came round as well as Anna who I haven't seen in ages so we had great fun.

It was a vast improvement on the early part of the day which consisted of an eight mile walk in the pissing rain as part of training for the Moonwalk (which is in two weeks...eek!!) followed by a traipse round Asda in soggy clothes. All was forgotten once I had a bellyfull of fajitas and a margarita in my hand.

I'm having a magic weekend so far, I hope all you blippers are too! :)

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