Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Bee on Bramble flower

Rubus fruticosa is the Latin name of the bramble flower - I'm sorry, I don't know about the bee - this is obviously something I'll have to learn about ;))

Over the last three or four days the bramble flowers seem to have reached a peak.  They are everywhere - partly because the Council seem to be doing less cutting back this year, but also because it's looking like we may have a superb blackberry year.  I'm mentally lining up those crumbles already!

And the bees absolutely love them.  They are having a crazy time!

I too have had a bit of a crazy time today, with two phone calls, the straightening out of which has required most of the day:  Hampshire Highways and St Thomas' Hospital.  So much tooing and froing.  In the end - of course - they both rang back with answers at the same time.  Big public organisations are in such a mess right now I couldn't blame the individuals, but it made me want to weep!!

Many thanks to jensphotos for hosting TinyTuesday today.  And have a great evening, all  xx

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