Sounds of the 60's (or maybe 70's)

I meant to sell my old Vox AC50 last year but sort of failed. So I'm going to have another go. Pictures taken, I'll invent some waffle for ebay and try and move it on.

In case you are interested, this is a classic bit of British hand built guitar amp. These were first built in about 1963 for the Beatles... This one is a lot later, early 70's sometime.

I've had it and the matching speaker cab for nearly 30 years, and it still sounds utterly brilliant. However it is huge and heavy, very, very loud (old valve amps need turning up abit to get the best sounds) and because it is very old it is never going to be very reliable.

So we need to get something smaller...., more manageable, possibly a little less loud.. and a lot lighter!

So if anyone has an opinion on the Blackstar HT range, Lancy VC's or Vox Ac15's then I'd like to hear it.

Today's excitement was painting the landing.. Luckily H's dad came over to lend a hand as I really hate decorating!

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