After Midnight

And looking slightly worse for ware!!!!

But happy! I tried all night to get my Babies together!

I took over from the babysitter at quarter past midnight and climbed into bed with Matty who immediately rolled over and put his arm over me!!! He was as good as gold all night and woke up at 7.30 when my phone buzzed. We tried to call mummy but she was still snoring!!!

We had breakfast in the hotel with various family members. Mr W came back to join us and confirmed the truce with DN2 with another hug. I then looked after Matty again while the newly weds packed up the car with decorations. I then dropped Matty and DN1 home. Shes so very happy with how everything went yesterday and she's on cloud 9.

Mr W and I then went to collect Bella from Lady Lady and chilled for the afternoon.

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