
By savor

Something's Gone Fishy!*

It took nearly 24 hours to upload this photo! I'm truly exhausted!!

I got this error when trying to upload:
"Connection time out when trying to upload to server." - and the search was on...

Several hours of researching, reconfiguring, checking modems & routers, switching browsers (Firefox/Safari), failing, trying other pics, learning about ping, accusing my brother of "meddling with something", resetting, and taking my geekiness to a whole new level...all provided NO solution.

What I learned:
1. Ask somebody in blip first (you may even have to do some friendly stalking in the forums)**
2. Patience is definitely a virtue..."cuz I ain't got any."
3. The photo you intended to upload...may not seem like it was worth it in the end.
4. You might look a tad bit odd in the supermarket with a large camera.

WHAT YOU might've learned about me:
I don't like to give up no matter how trivial it is and I waste a whooooole lot of time this way with very small and sometimes unsatisfying results. If it's a word I can't remember...I'll be searching days after everyone else has forgotten. If it's an editing process I'll spend days trying to figure it out. It's a small OCD/acute obsession problem. I have to fix it. I think it derives from my procrastination problem. But wait...we hardly know each other. I am really just as normal as YOU are. :)

I use to like this represents my exhaustive journey toward an error resolution!

Oh yeah...the SOLUTION? resize photo. doh!!!! I really wish this error would've popped up... that it would've saved me hours of frustration. (again...sigh)

** Thanks to superwoman "Katkatkat" (who I found had the same problem in forums). I stalked her back to her blip to ask how she came to a resolution. She promptly answered my question and I can now take a Tylenol and relax. The simple solution: Resize the photo.
I am too out done.

*The original title: "Whaddya' lookin at?!!!" - Never seen a fish before?

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