
By Ferjen

Round 7

I am posting late as yesterday was a tough day.  I got to Mount Alvernia Hospital at 8 for my chemo.  My blood were good and I had a good chat with Dr K who eased some of my worries, including why my hair seems to be growing back unexpectedly.

 He increased my chemo dose by 10% as he said my bloods were recovering well so to expect a slightly harder ride this cycyle.  Because of the higher dose I have 7 injections to do each day at home, rather than the usual 5.   He also examined me and could not feel anything.  I will have a final MRI before surgery.  

Then it was a quick dashed over to the Royal Surrey for my Immunotherapy.  I am lucky to have private cover through my work, but the Immunotherapy is very expensive to have privately and so I have that treatment through the NHS which I am extremely grateful for.

I was OK at hospital but my energy crashed on the way home and went straight to bed.  I had the whirly drunk feeling and hot flushes.   I was a bit concerned about my temperature as it was very low at one point but it seems to be OK again this morning.

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