Handmade bracelets

Another varied morning dodging rain showers...though actually there wasn't much real rain, more the threat of it. 
Danny led this week's prayer walk with the long term team, so I had time to potter with the kids before Caña Club. Nate spent most of the evening making people these paper bracelets. He was very pleased when Claire returned the favour!
Asha's sad as her dearest friend here is leaving for the UK, potentially for 3 years. Leaving the school system here for something better. Brave parents, I envy their courage!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Helpful and kind people on FB giving me loads of tips of local places that do GF and dairy-free stuff...or places to look for good recipes and or substitutes. 
2) Nate's generous spirit.
3) Finishing a good book that a local guy here wrote. 

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