Up, up on the roof!

The scorching goes on. I'd arranged to meet my friend and former colleague Douglas on the Isle of Lismore this morning. I was there just a few weeks ago with my friend Tim. Douglas used to work with me in the garden at Ross Priory many moons ago and he's taken early retirement from his last job at a museum and enjoys a life of archaeology, botany and other such interests. He spends a lot of time on Lismore, taking part in archaeological digs, grafting rare native trees and trying to grow a living roof on the café/museum/Gaelic Heritage Centre in the centre of the island.

He took me up on the roof to inspect his handiwork - there have been many setbacks and he finally decided to have a Sedum roof, but now it seems that some insect or other is having a go at this - see extra!

We had a good day botanising, finding a lot of orchids including Heath Spotted, Fragrant and what were probably hybrids between the two. Very interesting and good fun to catch up on the Olde Days!

But so HOT!!!

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