Evening sunlight

Evening sunlight streams through the petals of some of my beloved Pretty Lady roses. They are at the end of the garden path which takes you to the far corner of our garden. Behind them is the wildflower patch and in front of them is a semi circle of lavender ‘Hidcote’. At the top of the path is a circle of stones, on which sits the bird bath we bought last year with the words ‘You are nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth’ engraved round the rim, which you can see here: (https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3002278489442223594)

A busy, happy day, starting with a walk to Buckhurst Hill to get my hair cut and ending with a visit from our daughter-in-law and our two youngest granddaughters after school/nursery. Daddy had an important online business meeting in his study, so all the girls came to Granny and Grandpa’s to chill and leave him in peace.

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