Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Tuesday — Split Pea Soup

This afternoon I poured a small 16 ounce bag of split peas onto a white plate to check for any little rocks or pebbles before transforming it into a delicious pot of soup. We had eaten breakfast Sunday morning at the Madonna Inn and both of us ordered ham and eggs and both of us brought home a sizable portion of the slab of ham we had been served; so, I diced the ham to add to the split peas.

Today also included Mr. Fun making a phone call to Angie, who had been the Maid of Honor at our 1965 wedding. We have not seen her since 1989 when her first born child, Aaron, was getting married in Lakewood, California. Angie is now living in Colorado. She is divorced from her second husband Rusty.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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