The Slip

On the roof of the other porch first thing.  Take away the porch you first thought of.  I arranged to go round and visit Dougal, he’s a lot perkier, although suffering from lack of feeling in his feet.  He awaits the result of his MRI scan.
I then walked round to Davie’s.  When I arrived he was out in his motorized wheelchair basking in the sun.  As many of you will know he has been very accepting of all the vicissitudes that life has thrown at him.  He’s never once complained.  However today he said he felt ‘shitty’.  Since I last visited he’s spent 12 days in the Kirkwall hospital with:  Sepsis, pneumonia, kidney failure and ‘other’ problems.  This means his chemo treatment has been curtailed (if it ever comes back).  He has a blood transfusion arranged tomorrow and he is hoping it will perk him up.  Once again, he was game; I felt humble.
I walked home (about 5 miles), Every step is a step Davie couldn’t have managed – he hasn’t walked for about  22 months.
CMC made a partan salad for tea; then called for a G&T.

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