View from the Cairn

Another walk after work this evening.  We were both pretty tired, but we decided we could manage a walk up the Cairn, just up the road from our new house.  Glad we did - it was lovely and cool in the woodland there, and the views were stunning from the top.

Tim injured his hand doing some DIY this morning - think he strained his tendon when giving a bolt a final tighten.  He was forced to take it a bit easier after that.  Our house's former owner, Martin, phoned at lunchtime to say that he had accidentally ordered a couple of things on eBay to be sent here (the ordering wasn't accidental, getting it sent to this address was) - and to warn us that they had just let their cat out after a week, so he might be visiting soon.  I mentioned that a letter had been delivered here for him - turned out it was something he was waiting for, so he popped over to collect it.

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