Life's tangled skein

By atp

Dumyat (and Heilan' Coos)

Tonight was the opening night of Into The Woods, performed outdoors in the woods in Dunblane - more information about that can be found at

However, today's photo isn't from the show. Given that I was onstage, all my focus had to be on getting on-stage at the right times and with some idea of what I was meant to say - and I am pleased to say that the show went really well! We all had a great night, and the weather was wonderful.

No, today's picture is really all about the weather, and scenery.

The valley of the River Forth east of Stirling is a massive, and amazingly flat, flood plain. But at the north end of that flood plain lie the Ochil Hills. The start of the hills is quite shocking abrupt - there is no gentle slope that subtly usurps the flat ground; rather, as you can see, the flat area suddenly ends and the hills shoot into the sky.

Here we are looking north, and as you can see there is a fair bit of flat land. The Highland Cattle relax in the field, one cow feeding her calf. And then, just behind the house, you suddenly find Dumyat, the westernmost peak of the Ochils. Just 418m (1,371 ft), but tall enough to be dangerous to the unwary who find themselves out on the hills in changeable conditions.

Anyway, if this weather could last until Sunday, I would be most grateful!

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