*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty


Never forget
Collections raised over £1000 for Kiveton Park in South Yorkshire, and David Donovan pledged that the miners would never forget where their support had come from. "You have worn our badge 'Coal not Dole', and you know what harassment means, as we do. Now we will pin your badge on us, we will support you. It won't change overnight, but now 140,000 miners know that there are other causes and other problems. We know about blacks, and gays, and nuclear disarmament. And we will never be the same."

I got a book out of the library recently about the film 'Pride'. I was interested in this picture as I was born and bred (literally - home birth!) in Kiveton Park and the miners' strike was part of my childhood. As awful as it was, it brought so many people together, all fighting for the same thing.

I hope at the next election the good people of Kiveton remember. They seemed to forget last time.

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