
Isn’t this the most welcome sight on hot, sunny days like these - a shady courtyard with seats. And doubly welcome to me as the building with the windows is a bookshop, which also happens to sell sewing materials. 

We were in Peebles - when we eventually got there, as we tried three times to get through to the town, but each time came to road closed signs! Peebles is a delightful town we have only been to once before - that was when I went to see Frieda’s wonderful exhibition, how can it be 9 years ago. Funny seeing ‘my quilt’ on the wall of the exhibition - bottom left, as I bought it then and it has hung on my wall ever since. 

Anyway, after being amazed that town centre parking was free!! And after a delicious lunch at Osso, a restaurant Gordon had found - what a delightful place. I eventually got to the Textile Exhibition - Making: 50 by Textiles Study Group -  I had come for - excellent work by artists I had followed for a long time, in the same Gallery I had seen Frieda’s work. 

Gordon meanwhile had gone for a walk along the river and we met up later at this courtyard and this bookshop - Whities. A book was bought. I am chalking up these bookshop visits. 

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