Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


very quiet day, I was early with Juno this morning again, seh was up twice last night we took one stint each.

I nipped over to the allotment to get the supports for the peas in and finish planting on the tomatos, courgettes and pumpkins. I had baked some cakes for the the people who had watered the greenhouse for me. We all sat down to have some cake and a chat, great banter.

Eco son had some friends round so I kept an eye on the puppy, made tea and listened to the radio.

Early to bed tonight for all the Eco family as school and work tomorrow.

This is my bramley tree under attack again from aphids who are supported by the ants, need to get a band for the trunk to stop the ants climbing up and then deal with the aphids. This is the second year in a row.

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