Road trip

Set off on a little trip  today with blipper friend as it was another lovely day. It was hot and the car windows were open when a large beetle landed on my arm giving me such a freight I jumped sending the beetle hurtling high into the car not to be seen again until....later when we decided to visit a posh art gallery and low and behold the beetle had been down fellow blippers shirt all this time and decided to make another appearance, she jumper sending beetle behind one of the art works where beetle is now enjoying it's holiday. For alternative story see here

While looking for blips on the old pier we came across the loo with the view, in extras. Not seen this kind before so we investigated finding it contained only crisp packets, Good on that landowner for making an attempt at trying to keep the area free of human waste.

Now it's time for Botanist gin, Cushiedoo tonic and black pepper crisps

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