And Another Thing...

By dhackett68

The Ultimate Question

of Life, The Universe and Everything REVEALED!

So if you don't want to play a part in the destruction of the universe, have a look at a fox blip instead!

Life - 7 points.
The - definite article banned under Scrabble rules and removed!
Universe - 11 points.
And - 4 points.
Everything - 20 points
Total - 42!

So it appears the mythical Ultimate Question is "What is the regular Scrabble score for the phrase "Life, the Universe and Everything!"

I have no idea how this came to mind. I was nowhere near Rickmansworth - or a cafe - at the time! I've hunted around online and no-one else seems to have ever spotted this, despite loads of Douglas Adams fans taking time from their cheesy Wotsits to post their various crackpot suggestions online.

I did intend to post this last Saturday - which was the 12th Annual Towel Day - but in true Adams style, I got distracted and forgot about it!

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