
Another scorcher right from the off. I enjoyed my cup of tea on the deck and played with Paisley in the garden then settled down to catching up on email and reading draft papers, interspersed with short periods sitting on the deck or pootling in the garden although it was too hot to be in the glare of the sun for long. Dithered about whether to go into Kelso or just have a home day, and decided I need to get a better sense of what might be needed in the garden before I go down there. Browsed a bit on the Melrose book festival programme pages, but as is so often the case with these all the ones I might have been interested in are already fully booked,
Whilst it was lovely to just relax I’m almost feeling like I’ve done too much relaxing over the last few weeks and am getting a bit impatient with myself!
Chatted to A as she and N were heading to see P (on good form she later reported) before joining their friends for the pre wedding dinner.
Later, once it was cooler, I took Paisley out for a lovely walk…along a bridle path by a river which she had a paddle in. She wears a muzzle when out in case we pass other dogs, but in fact we didn’t see anyone or anything other than a horse rider. It was very beautiful and good to be doing something more active. Lots of birds, including a redstart, willow warbler, chaffinch and blackbirds (according to my birdsong identifier app!).
Home and chatted to Mt and the weans. I didn’t see AR when I was down recently as she was at scout camp, so when she came on camera to show me her new tooth loss and another wobbly one I got a bit of a shock….she looks about a year older (extra)! I may have found a homeswap lodge to take them to at the start of their summer holiday to let H finish her dissertation so was telling Mt about it….
Watered all the garden then had a stir fry and a lazy evening.

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