Off the rails

A definite change in the weather today. It has rained overnight - so they say - but there's very little evidence of it. The soil still looks totally dry! By 2.30 it was beginning to rain again, but it hasn't come to anything - just a few spots visible on the wheelbarrow. And I thought I'd be giving up my nightly hosing down to try to save some of my shrivelling shrubs!

The usual Saturday morning today - buying fish and visiting the library. On the way back we popped into the station as Mrs M had heard that the Belmond Royal Scotsman was in. Diesels don't really do much for me, but I thought it would be worth a look - my Blip today. 

I looked it up on our return home - there are quite a number of different journeys around Scotland. I rather fancied the 7-night Grand Western Scenic Wonders - a snip, starting at £13,300 per person! Or maybe I should choose Sole Occupancy of a Grand Suite - a mere £72,000!  Ho, ho!

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