Flower explosion

Had rain overnight last night which has led to an explosion of flowers today of which these were a few!

Sian took the dogs for a walk this morning and let them go on the beach as there were no other dogs or children. There were however ladies going swimming or having been for a swim! Molly pooed on the beach and the ladies were shouting at Sian and saying it was smelly and dirty and shouldn’t be allowed. She was so angry because the dogs have been there for longer than the current group of swimmers! She had picked it up so they had nothing to complain about!

When she got to the hospital to see Ian they were surprised when a new doctor saw him and said he was fine to go home despite not having had a poo! Just hoping and praying that everything keeps working okay!

We took the dogs for a walk later in the William yard after she had collected Ian and the evening was cooler. I am a astonished that they have discharged Ian before he has had a proper poo! It is horrible to think that they may be doing it to stop bed blocking!

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