Enforced Captivity.

Keeping wild animals in city buildings should be outlawed. This zebra was spotted in premises belonging to Investec whose logo is a zebra. Perhaps it would be happier if it were returned back to the African veldt. At least it wasn't one of the painted cows which ran amok in the city a few years back.

Summer arrived unexpectedly today and the change in people was instantaneous and welcome; smiley faces, young mums with décolleté tops pushing buggies sporting parasols, men with bare white tattooed arms and builders bums, girls wearing two frills, top and bottom, pensioners still conceding little to the temperature but with a spring in their step.

The sky was blue, the trees sported their fresh green leaves with obvious delight, the flowers seemed brighter facing their heads to the sun, and the whole world sparkled........ all that is, except my windows.

I am going to have my lunch outside and watch people erecting colourful marquees for tomorrow's Meadows Festival. It will be a bonus if the weather holds: it can be a dreary occasion if it rains, and on more occasions than I care remember, it has been a soggy affair.

'Ne'er cast a clout till May be out' may be a justified truism.

Edit : My thanks to Ajvphilp for correcting my initial placement of the zebra- it wasn't the offices of Skyscanner after all.

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