A light breeze at times today. Not as sunny and a bit cooler. Nice :)

I drove to Kendal for the shops opening at 10 o’clock. Wanted to buy some log edging for the garden. I’d seen some at the local garden centre but it was twice the price and looked as if it had been left in a muddy field since last autumn.

I had a blip detour on the way home and got back before the tourist traffic started to cause delays.

If I disappear from blip this week I will be back once the painter has finished. I did call him a decorator but after he gave me numerous reasons why I (he) shouldn’t paper the main bedroom (it did have wallpaper until I stripped it then painted during the first lockdown) he’s been downgraded.

I cut my front lawn in the afternoon. Hope the overnight rain that’s forecast does arrive. The landscape needs greening up.

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