Double Day...

...Father's Day, but more importantly, the last day of his Masters!! It's taken 6 years (though that includes a 1 year study break). He worked extremely hard all day and the kids and I went to where he was working to watch him press 'send' on his last ever essay. It's been 6 long years of studying almost exclusively at night, usually between 10pm and 2/3am!! I think he'll need to sleep for a good while now!
We had a celebratory tea at the bar where he often studies, and Claire joined us for a drink. Lovely.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having a wonderful Dad, and knowing the kids have that joy too.
2) A chatty Asha this evening, she can be quite reserved, I like it when she feels free to talk about anything.
3) Danny finishing this's been the 5th member of our family!

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