Chudleigh Open Gardens
I planted out the celeriac seedlings on the plot early morning, exactly 1 row. It was luck. It was luck that I had any to plant out as germination was slow. I picked enough mixed oakleaf salad leaves to generously fill 8 poly bags to drop up to the Community Fridge. I posted a notice on Spotted Chudleigh. I cut a bunch of anemones for home, wrote a notice to accompany the lettuce. **Wash thoroughly in cold water before using** ENJOY! :-) Dropped the veg off then home. I prepped veg for dinner.
Walked Indie, overcast this morning so a little cooler. Back at Mum's for coffee & Danish before we headed up to Chudleigh to visit 6 of the gardens open to the public this weekend. The first garden was the most colourful & interesting. The collage consists of plants from the first garden.
We were back home a little earlier than anticipated. I made a roast which we shared, dropping Mum home for the beginning of Countryfile.
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