
By zippyhippy

Sausages all round!

What a great name for a roll shop. It is just up from the side entrance to the Kelvin Hall. I was taking a few snaps and the owner, in typical Glasgow fashion, shouted out that if I liked the sign so much he would take an offer for it.

Great wee bike run up the Tak this morning in beautiful sunny weather. Legs felt good and as we were busy talking it seemed that somebody had taken half of the hill away overnight. Loving the great weather just now as well.

So great news with daughter number 2. Everything looking good with the x-ray and the doctors seemed pretty pleased. HUGE weight off our minds and we had a wee jig and a celebratory packed of white chocolate buttons on the way home. We don't need to go back for another year so I think that tells its own story. We were wondering if she had any recollections of her weekly visits to the hospital in the first 4 months of her life to get her splint changed and have her bath and more importantly for us, give her a right proper wee cuddle which wasn't so easy with the splint on. She was pretty chilled throughout the visit so perhaps she did.

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