Belgian Blonde Beer Blip

I only managed to get two shots today and they were both absolutely rubbish so I'm afraid I've had to resort to an emergency beer blip - so why not make it a Belgian Blonde one!
Leffe is one of my favourite beers - it's an authentic Belgian Blonde Abbey Beer. It has a floral and spicy aroma with notes of vanilla and clove and tastes smooth and fruity with an aftertaste that has a hint of bitter orange and I love it ice cold.
I thought I would add a bit of a history too - so here it is! The Abbey of Leffe (which can be seen at the top of the label) was founded in 1152 on the River Meuse in the province of Namur in Southern Belgium. Like many monasteries across Europe, the Premonstratensian (what a name!) canons of the Notre Dame De Leffe Abbey brewed ale, starting in 1240.
Using knowledge passed from generation to generation and ingredients found in the wild near the abbey, the canons developed a unique ale with a subtle taste and high alcohol content, brewed only in the abbey. Over the forthcoming centuries the abbey would suffer a series of misfortunes - a flood in 1460, a fire in 1466, serious damage caused by billeted troops in 1735 - until the abbey was abandoned and the brewery destroyed following the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1794. The canons would not return and begin restoration of the abbey until 1902. 
In 1952 the production of the beer was continued elsewhere in the country after a partnership with the Flemish based Lootvoet Brewery - with the agreement between Leffe Abbey and the commercial brewery being said to have been the first of its kind. Royalties continue to be paid to the Abbey to this day.
That's quite a lot of ale info! It must be time for another beer! Cheers! :-)

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