Moncreiffe Hill

The day started off well with our usual sat morning Tabou breakfast. A surprise when the old owner arrived (from 5 years ago) and had a chat with him. They went back to Poland and is still there with the family.

Usual shopping stuff for mum then up to hers with it. Chat and make her lunch and then home.

The only change to the normal routine is that I decided I wanted a walk up Moncreiffe Hill as hadn’t been there for ages. Drove up and I was the only car in the car park. I did think about muggers and sex attackers before I got out of the car. Constantly listening to True Crime Podcasts does that I think! I told myself that it would be highly unlikely for someone or people to be here, without a car, waiting to pounce on someone. Most people come In Pairs or groups so I decided I would be fine.

I found this new app that identifies bird sounds and decided that his would be the best place to try it out. It records the sounds, list them and highlight when the bird is singing. There were Chiffchaf, Chaffinch, wren (very loud for such a small bird, long tailed tit, blue tit, willow warbler, yellowhammer, blackbird, blackcap, etc etc. it is an amazing app. I had a lovely walk on my own. I thought there would be more cars in the car park when I got back but no, just me…..

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