the days are just packed

We have had a busy day today! It started early with a supermarket shop and then a swim (Chris and Sarah)/gym session (me) and a sauna (all of us) before we met Chris's friend John from the train at Dumfries and brought him home for lunch and an afternoon's catching up in the garden. We had had quite a bit of rain overnight for which the garden was very grateful. The rest of the day was warm and sunny so I got quite a bit more gardening done.

Late this afternoon we took John back to the station and then Sarah and Chris went to the Bouldover Climbing Centre. They had been before when it was in Annan, but it moved to a new location here in a former church/ auction centre in Irish Street. I took loads of photos - quite liked this one of Sarah after attempting a very difficult climb under the arch :-) We'll be going again when Luke and Otter arrive here later in the week.

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